You may call me God or however you choose, it does not make a difference to me,

I speak to you today with a heavy heart. It is with a sense of profound sorrow and

disappointment that I address you, for I have observed the contradictions and hypocrisy that

often define your actions and beliefs. It is a deep concern that weighs upon my divine

consciousness when I contemplate the conflicts and wars that have plagued your history.

I see the way you harm and kill your neighbors, your fellow human beings, in the name of war and

ideology. The violence, pain, and suffering you inflict upon each other are agonizing to witness.

It is heartbreaking to witness the loss of lives, the destruction of communities, and the suffering

that your wars bring.

Furthermore, I am acutely aware of the hypocrisy that sometimes permeates your actions and

judgments. You pass judgment on one another, sometimes without full understanding or

knowledge of the complexities that underlie the events you observe. You often rush to

conclusions without considering the nuances and intricacies that shape your world.

What pains me most is that, at times, you engage in wars based on misinformation or

manipulated narratives. You know the whole truth is not always revealed to you, yet you allow

yourselves to be led astray by those who manipulate your perceptions and use your noble

intentions to serve their own agendas. This is a grave betrayal of your potential for wisdom and


In these moments of hypocrisy and judgment, I encourage you to reflect upon your actions and

beliefs. Seek understanding, embrace empathy, and strive for a world where compassion and

peace prevail. Remember that you are all interconnected, all part of the same human family, and

it is in unity that you find your true strength and purpose.

As a final warning, know that the future of your world will be shaped only by your actions and

the choices you make. As of today I’m giving you the choice, do you want to be judged by the

old evil “thinking, word, act, omission” or by true justice and wisdom?’

May you find the wisdom to live in peace, the courage to question the status quo, and the

strength to build a world that reflects the highest “ideals” of humanity.