In the obscure, fictional town of Zulverg, nestled away in the enigmatic realm of Vx, the year was 1982, and Elma, a 26-year-old woman, lived a life that could best be described as mundane. While she had acquaintances, she had never truly felt the warmth of friendship. Elma always carried a sense of difference within her, a feeling that set her apart from the others in her quiet, unremarkable community.

Her daily routine was a monotonous cycle that began with waking up, followed by a reluctant journey to her uninspiring 9-to-5 job. It was a job that provided her just enough to cover life's basic necessities, deep down, she knew she was capable of so much more. She felt like a puzzle piece that didn't quite fit the picture, a person who could contribute more to the world but was trapped by the limitations imposed by her social class.

Elma wasn't unfriendly, nor was she particularly popular. She simply existed in the shadows, feeling a profound sense of loneliness that weighed on her heart. She yearned for love, a connection that could bring light into her life, but she was often overlooked, like a whisper in a noisy room. In the midst of her ordinary life, Elma couldn't help but sense the relentless sameness that each day brought, leaving her with nothing exciting to anticipate in the foreseeable future.