Once upon a time, when the cosmos brimmed with a tapestry of diverse realms, each governed by its own unique laws of physics, boundaries, time, and space, there existed a heterogeneous coexistence of these multifaceted worlds. Within their respective domains, each realm had its own cherished traditions, beliefs, Gods, creatures, languages, senses, and behaviors, all distinct from one another. No reality was akin to any other, and they were all on different points in the -Xverse, yet remained seemingly disconnected.

For eons, these parallel existences thrived, each weaving its own narrative within the intricate tapestry of creation. They danced to the rhythm of their own cosmic symphonies, flourishing in splendid isolation.


At some point in time, the -Xverse itself began to tremble with unexpected instability. An inexplicable cosmic disturbance rippled through the very fabric of existence, triggering a cataclysmic event. The realms, the living, and the energies from every corner of the -Xverse collided and converged, fusing into a singularity that defied all known laws. The fusion of all existing realms was so powerful yet unstable that the known laws of physics acted independently and systematically, creating a never-before-seen density in gravity that held everything together. This density was so powerful that, against all odds, it transformed all the accumulated energy into its exact negative form. The new set of elements and energies resulting from the fusion and compression caused by the density of gravity newly found in the just created negative form of the -Xverse, the Universe.

The Universe was composed of a newly created atomic singularity called Axions, forming the dark matter of the Universe. Due to the unestability and incompatibility in existance of the energy created by the density of the new forms of mass and energy, a violent and unprecedented explosion occurred. This explosion filled the new Universe, as we know it today, with energy. All the known chemical elements were distributed throughout the Universe, creating stars powered by the fusion of elements such as Hydrogen and Helium. Astros of all sizes and compositions took the form of planets, asteroids, comets, all surrounded by different gases that combined and continued to create more planets and stars. All this matter adhered to the new physical laws of inertia, gravity, and others. As time passed, some stars ran out of the energy they consumed, creating the black holes that now regulate the density in the Universe.

In this incredible cosmic maelstrom, the universe as we now know it was born. It emerged from the fusion of countless realms, each leaving an indeleble imprint on the grand tapestry of existance. From the chaos and convergence, the universe carved out a new reality, with its own laws of physics, Civilizations, Gods, Demons, and, most importantly, a complex and intricate interplay of life and existence. This is the universe we inhabit today, a living testament to the harmonious coalescence of countless worlds, a testament to the cosmic fusion that reshaped the very essence of reality.

Right at the center of that Universe is where this story begins....

There was no known conduit between these distinct realms, and their coexistence seemed to be a cosmic wonder left unexplained.