Once upon a time, in a different realm ruled by their own laws of physics, there was a planet that against all odds held an immense amount of energy, in there, a civilization thrived, and within it dwelled Luke, raised just like the rest. Although Luke appeared to be a part of this society called Humanity, there was an innate quality that set him apart, his unbreakable spirit and inner strength, though he remained oblivious to his uniqueness. The peculiar facet of this civilization was that, unbeknownst to Luke, a powerful curse held its inhabitants under its sway.

This enchantment had a curious effect. It caused everyone, except for Luke, to perceive the opposite of what he said and to act contrary to their true feelings having to portray the negative of their true emotions. This baffling twist of perception rendered Luke blind

The Awakening of the Last God | Inferno

Little did he know that, in reality, the citizens harbored a deep-seated hatred for him, a sentiment concealed by the spell's influence. They secretly yearned to obliterate him, but the enchantment compelled them to act in "goodwill", all of it while masking their true intentions.

This intricate deception persisted for decades until, one fateful day, a shift occurred within the spell. Luke's senses underwent an unexpected transformation, and he began to hear faint whispers filled with malice and cruelty, in a manner he couldn't quite comprehend. After weeks of grappling with these unsettling murmurs, he found himself at a crucial juncture, where...

to anything unusual, creating an illusion of harmony among the
